„Future perfect“ – Round Table
Zagreb Library Association is organizing a Third Round Table Conference „Future Perfect“ on the role of a professional library association.
Round table will be held online on September 17, 2021, starting at 9 AM.
Organizing and program committee members are Alka Stropnik, Iva Klak Mršić, Ivana Matijević, Marija Šimunović i Višnja Novosel.
Round table conference will be divided into three thematic blocks. Discussion topics will be the work of regional and national library associations from Croatia and abroad, and their adaptation to the current situation. Librarians from Croatia, Europe and the world will give examples on how library associations function in the virtual world, and regional library associations who applied for and executed EU projects will share their experiences. Also a discussion on the interest of young librarians for professional associations and the possibilities that they offer them will take place.
9.00 – 9.30 registration of participants, online chat
9.30 – 9.40 welcoming speech, introduction of moderators and panels
Moderator: Dorja Mučnjak, Zagreb Library Association
9.40 – 11.10 Library associations in the virtual world
Moderator: Alka Stropnik, president of Zagreb Library Association
Bogdan Trifunović, president of Serbian Library Association
Jasmina Bajo, president of Association of Librarians of Montenegro
Ana Zdravje, president of Library Association of Ljubljana
11.10-11.25 break
11.25 – 12.55 Regional library associations in EU projects
Moderator: Višnja Novosel, Zagreb Library Association
Silvija Perić, president of Association of librarians of Bilogora, Podravina and Kalnik Region
Ljiljana Vugrinec, Association of librarians of Bilogora, Podravina and Kalnik Region
Miroslav Katić, Association of librarians of Karlovac County
Ana Pavlić, senior advisor in the Department of Education and General Education, eTwinning coordinator, Agency for mobility and EU porgrammes
Danijela Jagušt Šumljak, head of Adult education department, Agency for Mobility and EU programmes
Mate Krišto, Key project d.o.o.
12.55 – 13.10 break
13.10 – 14.40 New information experts in library associations
Moderator: Marija Šimunović, Zagreb Library Association
Loida Garcia-Febo, International Library Consultant, president of the American Library Association 2018-2019, member of IFLA Governing Board 2013-2017 and Co-Founder of IFLA New Professionals, Special Interest Group
Karol Baranowski, librarian in County Pedagogical Library Hugo Kołłątaj, Krakow; Organizer of the 13th Young Librarians Conference Online
Nyakundi James Nyambane, currently working at United States International University – Africa Nairobi Kenya as an acquisition librarian, member of the Organizing committee of the Kenyan Information Professionals Caucus (IPC) Camp organized for the new professionals in Kenya
Charles Wanjala, Senior Library Assistant at the United States International University – Africa, President of the Organizing committee of the Kenyan Information Professionals Caucus (IPC) Camp organized for the new professionals in Kenya
Victoria Polyova, Administrative Coordinator of the Executive Office of the Ukrainian Library Association; Head of the Youth Section of the Ukrainian Library Association
Andrés Reinoso, librarian at Bialet Maseé Library of the Argentine Ministry of Labor, professor of librarianship at the Institute of Higher Technical training in Buenos Aires, information coordinator at IFLA NP SIG from 2017.
Register here: https://forms.gle/Lsd4CLqgiN8TRHXU7
Round table is partially financed by the Zagreb’s City Office of Culture.
Postani član
Učlanjenjem u Zagrebačko knjižničarsko društvo (ZKD) plaća se niža cijena kotizacije za sudjelovanje na stručnim skupovima u organizaciji Hrvatskog knjižničarskog društva (HKD). Svaki član ima mogućnost objavljivati radove i uređivati publikacije HKD te raditi u stručnim tijelima i u samom Društvu što je jedan od uvjeta za napredovanje u više zvanje. Također, članovi ZKD-a imaju pravo na besplatan upis u Knjižnice grada Zagreba.
Postani član Zagrebačkog knjižničarskog društva.